Water Heater lesson

My water heater stopped yielding hot water last Sunday, but I was too busy to call for repair.  Three days later, I started the repair process by calling around. Last Friday, someone showed up and the diagnosis was better to replace it. That sounds like it will be a few more day.... I took the whole sequence as an opportunity to deal with minor situations and learn to live with what we have.  I do realize that 90% of people in the world don't have hot showers on demand:)  Today, after looking up on line to make sure they have a 40 gal tall water heater in stock, I planned to go to the store.  After calling and texting several to help me bring it home, none responded.  I went to The Energy Center to do the regular Gong Bath.  During the drive there, I ask an angel specializing in delivery to please help me.  I even told the group before I started thats what I asked:  Someone with a truck to come.  Well, none with truck came to the gong bath, I proceeded to Home Depot anyway.  I know my angels always come through.  As soon as I park my car, I saw Joe, a friend of ten years, returning a shopping cart at the next isle.  I ran after him, and caught Joe just as he was pulling away in his TRUCK !!!  He said he will help me bring the heater home.  As it turned out, you already saw the ending in the photo, the heater fit inside my Prius and I thanked my angel while Joe loaded it.  I thanked Joe and invited him and his wife, Jodie, to come for a home cooked dinner sometime soon.

Remember, make use of all situations to learn a lesson, hire an angel and good things happen to good people :)