Cold virus defeated

This morning, 3 days after the virus invaded my body, I declared that I had successfully eliminated  them.  

Last Friday, five days ago, one of the three friends who came to watch a movie with me had a cold. Why anyone would go out to the public to spread the virus is beyond me to figure out.  But I did not have the heart to tell her that she shouldn't stay and I wanted to test my immune system.  We spent 3 hours in the same room.  The next day, I was ok. Sunday morning, I woke up feeling a little weak.  I ate a pinch of raw alfalfa sprout and my stomach immediately responded with a sharp pain that lingered. I put "On Guard" -doTerra's behnd of essential for fighting virus on my feet and wrist before going out. By the time I finished my weekly shopping at the farmers' market, I decided I was not fit to go anywhere else.  I went home to rest up for the 3.30pm gong bath. I started to take Argentyn Colloidal Silver every few hours. I told the group that I was feeling the effects of a beginning cold and that I will keep my distance.  All my muscles were sore and felt hot and cold.  Typical cold symptoms.  I decided to starve the cold virus.  I only ate one bowl of bone broth for breakfast. Luckily, I was able to get a very juicy fresh young coconut. I drank all of the over 24 oz of juice before I gave Gong Bath. After the Gong Bath, one of the gong bathers cut it open, and I ate the small amount of soft meat for dinner around 5pm. The gong bath took care of the stomach stabbing pain.  I went to bed by 9pm.  I woke up the next morning about 10.20, five minutes before my renovation help was to arrive.  I felt refreshed and free of cold symptoms. In 24 hours, I felt I stoped the cold virus dead in its track.  That is a new record for me.  I spent the last 48 hours recuperating from muscle soreness and feeling weak.  My body must have worn out fighting the battle.  It did put up a good fight with help of On Guard and Colloidal Silver.  While I was in bed, I held Spleen strengthening points and massage the Spleen neuro-lymphatic points. That was reinforcing the armed forces :)