
I am grateful to the Divine's guidance.  I arrived in Kailua-Kona on August 17 as planned.  Om, my boycat was quickly approved after inspection at the airport, to be released.  Ah, all my angels and guides are constantly taking care of me.  My new friend, Terra, was there waiting for me with lei and open arms.  Life is so wonderful here in Hawaii.

I am continuously amazed by the kindness and friendliness of the locals.  Drivers stop to allow me to cross the road.  Yesterday, I was walking home with groceries and decided to put out my thumb.  First driver went right by.  I thought, ah, a tourist.  The second driver, stopped to tell me, "sorry, I am only moving my car to the next parking lot."  Ah, a local.  So thoughtful are the people who live here.  That is exactly what I felt when I visited in March and one of the many reasons why I made a very quick decision to move here to The Big Island.  Now, I am living a dream.  

Day two of Hurricane Matthew

So far so good.  The waves are much bigger so I did not go out with my boogie board as I did yesterday.  I slept late.  Soon after I got up, I took all the furniture and plants from the balcony indoor.  Those required quite a bit of cleaning.  After that, I shot a video and posted it on youTube.  It took an hour to upload.  I made a delicious lunch of wonton added to Pho, and settled back in the recliner to connect with everyone who has evacuated on facebook. As of now, 8:05pm, the wind has picked up speed and its raining much harder at different times.  I am glad I am indoor and I cannot hear the wind outside.  The new windows we bought in 2004 is worth every penny we paid.

Hurricane Matthew evacuation?

On Tuesday, October 4, I heard that South Carolina's Governor had ordered Mandatory Evacuation from my home Hilton Head Island and all coastal areas.  

I said, "I'm staying home".  I have many reasons:

Reason number one: Taking orders is the least of my skills.  

I had just come home from Atalla, Alabama going through Atlanta with construction traffic, which made the six and a half hour trip into nine and a half hours. My body is still aching.  

I told Om, my boycat, who was SO good in the car during the long ride, that we will stay home for the rest of the year.  I must keep my words.  Animal lovers out there, pay note.  Your animals listen to what you say.  

I am not just being stubborn.  I used my left brain and analyzed the situation. I spent my first eighteen and a half years on Hong Kong Island.  We had typhoons every year. Sometimes several strong ones a year.  My family and I lived.  Now, I live in a building that is built of concrete and steel. In 2004, when I made Hilton Head my year round residence, I got on the board.  Me the the other two board members voted to replace our windows, doors and roof.  All items were made to the latest storm code.  AND, considering history, ever since NOAA had been tracking hurricane, none had directly hit Hilton Head.  Yes, there was a hurricane hit over a hundred and ten years ago. Compare that to ten or sixteen hours of mingling with all evacuation traffic on all highways going west, absorbing panicking energies along the way, getting somewhere, not knowing where, sleeping in a strange environment, its much better for me-who is so energy sensitive, to stay home, and go with the FLOW.  I love to witness the force and beauty of nature. A couple of extra bonus points: the current temperature is between 75 and 80 degrees, if the power was to go out, I will be comfortable.  Point No. 2, I haven't watch baseball in years,  I can entertain my self watching the play off,  if I was to get bored being indoor.


A despondent face I saw at the airport

I was at the airport, leaving San Jose, Costa Rica to come home after 3 weeks in Panama and Costa Rica, I sat next to a woman who had her lips curled downwards, and face that looked like a frown. I said quietly to her, "I like your glasses."  That brought a smile to her face.  I am glad!  If we could all notice the people around us and contribute so little to lift their spirits.



Not enough time?

When I ask my clients, "Have you done your daily energy routine?"

I hear frequently, "i just don't have the time."  I am going to give you one tip to "make" more time.  I started practicing it several weeks ago.  Let me know how it works for you.

Pick out an outfit, change the top, but wear the same pants or skirt for a week, then wash it.  Nobody will remember that you wear the same pants you had on the day before, and even if they do, why does it matter to you what they think?  This method saves you time of doing multiple loads of laundry, i.e. if you separate your laundry into white, medium and dark colors. Considering if you had chosen tops that are in the same color group as the pants or skirt, it will all be done in just one load.  

Minimize a could-be disaster

Thank God that ten days ago, a friend told me about the "reset" switch, and I have been ok with getting some hot water for shower.  During the last 20 days, I had called five general contractors and plumbers to replace the water heater.  Two said they're too booked and one did not show up to do my job. The other two, we're still texting.  I was fairly desperate for the water heater project to be done. Today is the 22nd day of a non-functioning water heater.  I was thrilled when I was referred to a licensed carpenter who said he can also replace the heater.  He showed up on the appointment time (good first sign!) today but that became one of the few GOOD signs.  I needed a carpenter because the opening of closet which house the water heater needed to be wider in order for the new heater to be installed.  He said it would be more efficient to drain the water heater before anything else.  Then he said he did not bring a water hose.  After I gave him mine, and make sure the hose is firmly placed inside the bath tub, plus gave him a big beach towel to soak up any drip.  I checked to remove any rust being drained along with the hot water, subsequently cleaned the whole tub, making use of the hot water being drained.  When I heard the request of another towel, I knew something is very WRONG.  I brought another beach towel, took the totally soaked first towel away inside a big trash bag, when water was covering my hardwood floor.  My handyman obviously did not know how to connect the hose to drain properly.  I was too busy helping to remove water off the floor to think about the next step.  Next I wondered why I still hear a water sound.  The Handyman (licensed carpenter) did not know how to turn off water supply!  At this point, I have to congratulate myself for keeping my composure and using my brain.  I called the plumbing company and luckily they are sending a plumber tomorrow.  I had chore of asking the Handyman to leave the water heater alone, and do only the door widening job.  He still insisted that he can do the job (replacing the water heater).  But I thank you kindly and kept my position.  

Later that day, I found that water had leaked into my living room floor and spend over an hour minimizing the damage with a hair dryer:))  Oh, what lessons I learn here.  


Mindfulness was the title of a book I bought in 2010 by a big name psychologist.  It sat on my bookshelf for a year, then I decided the title explained all I need to know, so I returned it in exchange for several other books.  

Late last night, I was finishing up a lot of desk work, the last thing I did was to copy my photos to the iMac.  I put the photo card into the slot without looking.  NOT exercising MINDFULNESS, the card went into the slot for CD.  I turned the Mac sideways but the little photo card did not fall out.  Now, I have hours of research or trial and error as to how to get it out of there.  

How many of us really save time with out multi-tasking?  or better question: how many hours do we waste when we are not mindful?


Water Heater lesson

My water heater stopped yielding hot water last Sunday, but I was too busy to call for repair.  Three days later, I started the repair process by calling around. Last Friday, someone showed up and the diagnosis was better to replace it. That sounds like it will be a few more day.... I took the whole sequence as an opportunity to deal with minor situations and learn to live with what we have.  I do realize that 90% of people in the world don't have hot showers on demand:)  Today, after looking up on line to make sure they have a 40 gal tall water heater in stock, I planned to go to the store.  After calling and texting several to help me bring it home, none responded.  I went to The Energy Center to do the regular Gong Bath.  During the drive there, I ask an angel specializing in delivery to please help me.  I even told the group before I started thats what I asked:  Someone with a truck to come.  Well, none with truck came to the gong bath, I proceeded to Home Depot anyway.  I know my angels always come through.  As soon as I park my car, I saw Joe, a friend of ten years, returning a shopping cart at the next isle.  I ran after him, and caught Joe just as he was pulling away in his TRUCK !!!  He said he will help me bring the heater home.  As it turned out, you already saw the ending in the photo, the heater fit inside my Prius and I thanked my angel while Joe loaded it.  I thanked Joe and invited him and his wife, Jodie, to come for a home cooked dinner sometime soon.

Remember, make use of all situations to learn a lesson, hire an angel and good things happen to good people :)

66 degrees in February

A beautiful warm day in winter with the brilliant sun shining through all my living room windows.  I am blessed to be living here on Hilton Head Island.  I am going to take a ten minute break and go sun bathing on my balcony:)  My balcony is private facing the ocean, so that I can get my full body exposed to the delicious sun ray. Reminder: you only make vitamin D when the sun hits your torso.

Healer on call

Being in the New Year spirits, I went to get a quart of paint to re-paint the inside of my front door to a livelier color.  When I was waiting for the paint being mixed and shaken, I start doing Sunrise, Sunset, an Eden Energy routine to strengthen the Aura.  Then the idea came that I should do some for the man behind the counter- thats why I named this blog "on call".  I had the call from the Universe to do something for this man who looks a little gloomy.  So I ask turn to him, and asked, "Would you like to feel some energy?" and put up both my hands in front of him and start sending Reiki.  "What do I do?" He replied.  "Just relax and feel it." after a minute I asked if he feels anything.  He answered no.  I said "You're still receiving the benefit even though you might not feel it. Please put your hands a little farther out."  I put my hands four or five inches above his extended hands, and immediately felt heat.  A lot of heat. This usually indicate that the person need the energy and is pulling it in. After a couple of minutes, I started to use Eden Energy Medicine techniques to clear some of the energy away from his hands. When i asked him whats going on with his hands, he replied, "Arthritis."  The heat subsided after a few minutes. He said "Thank you, I did feel some warmth in my hands."  I left with my paint and he looked a little happier.

New Year Day Gong Bath

Happy New Year to you all!

22 people of all ages came to The Energy Center for Gong Bath (Gong Meditation) this afternoon.  Several shared their comments:

"My knee has more mobility now." Sanford Jones who came from Savannah a second time.  He told me the same about five weeks ago.

"I had tried all kinds of spiritual or energy healing, but this Gong Bath is a WOW!!! I will definitely be back....", Tara from Bluffton. 

Using Tuning Forks for heart burn

I just drank a large glass of watermelon juice as part of my breakfast, my stomach reacted with a heart burn.  Since I have been practicing the tuning forks that I just purchased from Dr. John Beaulieu,  I took my forks out to the balcony and did the digestion sequence. The sequence consists of only four different sets of forks, it took less than five minutes. Even though I'm already a believer, I was really amazed when my stomach pain was gone so quickly.


Standing at the beach waiting for the seagulls with a pack of bacon fat in my hand, the gulls kept flying by. They were heading straight to the other crowd where hundreds of seagulls has already gathered fighting over food from one person.

I thought, "Seagulls are just as stupid as some humans. We just follow the crowd and the noises not observing what is on the way. Missing out the best opportunity on the way most of the time."

Lesson learned: pay attention to what's happening on the way.


I woke up this morning wondering what the lesson I should learn from falling off the bike, I panicked when the bike did not stop. It is a new braking system that I have never encountered. i fell off the bike backwards in order not to hit my teacher and friend who had stopped in front of me. I landed on my SI joint, my neck snapped back and I hit my head on the hard dirt just outside of the asphalt pavement.

I think the lesson is to protect myself as well as not hurting anyone.  The lesson also is to not take up new challenges beyond my ability such as getting on the bike after many years being rusty and learning a new braking system.  Honor my limitation.

Also an opportunity to find out who are my friends will come to my rescue when I need them.


The Value of the Word "No"

My back burner is overflowing.  Every time someone needs help, mentions an interesting seminar or a worthy cause, I would jump right in and take part without hesitation. As a result, I am working, planning a trip, attending classes, signing petition, and such and such, ALL the time. I barely have time to eat. I don't have time for lunch often.

I must start to use "no" more often. 

Open Your Mind

A good friend recently told me that she had this horrific migraine headache since she was six but she never thought that something can be done to eliminate it.  I guess that explains why she never came to me for energy sessions even after I invited her several times.  Last week she told me she went and got a  cranial sacral session and headache is gone.  How many other millions of people in the world have this belief that nothing can be done to their mystery? It's time to open up your mind and your heart to accept new ways of living and healing. This is a new paradigm.

Alkaline Water

Oh boy, oh boy, did I receive a shocking piece of news today!

Barbara told me "not everyone cares about all this healthy stuff. They won't drink it."

I said "but it's just water. This is natural 8.5 pH alkaline water - it tastes just like water, just cleaner. Why won't they drink it." 

"Set in their own ways. They like that Dasani bottle water" she said.

Dasani water is acidic 6.0 pH. 

She said "you can't change everybody."

I agree but I'll keep trying. I will tell the next person. Barbara, thanks for telling me so that I won't keep saying the same thing to you. I appreciate your honesty and being straightforward with me.